Sunday, June 24, 2012

I raise my Ebenezer stone

As part of our worship this week, Shakespear (our worship leader) has been choosing Come Thou Fount. And one verse starts as "Here I raise my Ebenezer" so that is what I am doing. God has brought us through so much in the last 3 years. He has brought us through unemployment, homelessness, and so much more. But He has provided money and housing at every turn.  And now He has brought us to Washington, to work in ministry at Sambica. 
We're not sure what God has for us after this summer but we know that we will be in His hands no matter what happens. How has God provided for you? Do you trust Him with everything that you have? 

PS: We would love to hear from you. Our address is 4114 W. Lake Sammamish Prkwy SE Bellevue, WA 98008.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week 3

It is now our third week at Sambica. Campers come next week and the staff is very excited for that I (Mike) have been able to play a large part in staff training. The staff have all been very eager. There has been a lot of bonding over the last week, and all the staff are greatly looking forward to kids coming next week!

 Over the last few weeks we have been able to understand more of our surroundings. We have talked to local people and return staff, and have been able to get a clearer picture of the purpose of this ministry. The majority of kids coming to camp this summer not only have not gone to church before, but many have not experienced a Christian environment at all. It is going to very important for all our staff to demonstrate Christ at all times.

Amy and I are beginning to settle into our roles. I have already had some great converstation with staff about how to help campers who need extra attention, and Amy is developing relationships with the girls she is going to working with. We have enjoyed getting to know some of the other married staff at camp.

We pray for continued support both fincial and prayer, not just for us but for all the staff at Sambica this summer. Soon we will post some pictures of camp and maybe even a video  tour!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 2

Week 2 at Sambica is feeling more like home. It's still not Center Lake Bible Camp but it is Sambica and it has been a blessing. We have had a chance to get to know more people, get more comfortable in our roles here, and be blessed being in a Christian setting again. 
Another couple (Rob and Carrie) and thier 2 kids have been a blessing most of all. They are allowing us to use an extra bed that they had which is a million times better than the one that was in the cabin when we got here. I (Amy) also got a chance to talk to Carrie and get to know her and her family and she has the quiet and gentle spirit that I have been trying to learn about. So I informed her that I would coming to her this summer for advice and leadership and she readily agreed. Praise God for answering the prayers of those back home and provided a couple who we can turn to. Thanks again for your support!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

More staff have arrived. I (Amy) got the privalage of picking people up from the airport today. This gave me a chance to get to know some of the new staff. With the new staff coming in I feel like we are now truly in leadership. Also looking forward to finding out more about what my job is going to look like this summer with 60 female staff.
please pray for relationships to form quickly and that my actions and aditude is one that allows the women to feell comfortable and connected with me.
Thank you for your continued support.

Our first week

    Well, we just finished our first full work at Sambica. This has truely been a great experience for the both of us. Our first few days were filled with leadership training. This was a great time to meet the other leaders we would be working with during the summer. Our training was off camp, so we were able to bond and focus on working together. This was great, but Amy and I were anxoius to get back to back and hopefully get our stuff.

     The Lord was great and provided for us. On Friday we were able to get the truck with all our belongings in it back to camp. This was a great relief for the both of us. We got unpacked and finally felt settled. This helped alot because then we were able to focus on our jobs and what we needed to accmolish this summer.

     I am very excited for my position, and have really bonded with some of the staff here (including the program directors 2yr old daughter who insists I pick her up everytime we meet). We are still adjusting to the weather, and to the area. We are in an affluent part of town and people carry themsleves differently.

     We would appreciate your continued prayers and fincail support as we are still in a time of transition. Thank you for all you have done for us!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wow, leadership training

So we finally made it to the camp after 2 days of uneventful driving, and 2 days of more events than we thought possible in 2 days. But once the devil's walls were broken down God got us to camp. We got in late on Sunday night but Sarah and Ashley met us and showed us where to sleep. The next morning was filled with rope course, paperwork and packing ( which we had done alsready because we never unpacked) and into the 15 passanger with 114 people to head out to our Leadership Retreat/training on Cushman lake (GORGEOUS!). We recieved our camp names which are Avalon and RedGreen, met the other 12 staff that we will e working closely with this summer, hiked, slept, hung out and got to know what we are going to be doing this summer and the people around us. We were welcomed with open arms and enthusias. 
We know beyond a doubt that we are where we are supposed to be this summer. Mike is working with Ryan Story (aka Gnarly) on the Resident program while I am working with David (Thunder) being staff counselors. Please pray for us because we both have great responibilities. I will let Mike tell you more about his position later. 
I am working with 60 female staff this summer making sure they are healthy spiriatually, emotionally and relationally. Mike and I are living in upper camp which is also known as drama island. :) 
God is already working and we have been able to hear how we were all brought to the camp  which is nothing but a miracle. And we are from all over including Australia, Chech republic, Wisconsin, Arizona, California, Flordia, and Virginia. 
Looking forward to a great summer. Stay posted for more details.