Thursday, December 12, 2013

Square Peg, Round Hole

   Since we have decided to go into ministry, we have had many discussions about what want to do, what type of ministry we want to do, where we want to be and what we can bring to a ministry. We have talked about camping ministry since we have a ton of combined experience in camping. We have talked about what working at a church would look like for us and what kind of children's ministry we would like to see since we would be raising our child there.
    After many hours of talking about it all we decided that no matter where we ended up that we are a square peg for a round hole.

   For all the years of experience, all the education and philosophies of ministries we have come to the conclusion that we will never fit perfectly in any church, camp or ministry. We have very high expectations when it comes to doing God's work. 

  By no means do we think that we are perfect or that every ministry is doing it wrong. What we do see is that many churches and camps have a fundamental biblical flaw of choosing manly ways of ministry instead of Godly ways of ministry and that is the change we desire to bring to the world. 

  Something that I have discovered about my husband is that has the gift of understanding what children and youth desire most, what they need and how to meet both of those things in practical ways. I have never seen someone create such fast relationships with kids he sees for only a few hours a week or after spending a day with him how attached they become to him. It is truly a God given gift of love and understanding. 

  The desire we share is to build relationships in order to bring people closer to God. We are not big into traditional programming or extravagant shows to draw people in, we don't care about how many people come through the door. We care about quality services, time spent together building up the church and preparing youth to take their place in leadership and teaching those younger than them and in the future.
   This seems to be the hardest thing to bring into practice in ministries because someone said that getting numbers in the door at any cost was the best and only way to measure success. That building relationships, teaching good biblical life-style and raising up the next generation to take over the leadership was secondary to bodies in the chairs and flashy modern programming. This makes us a square peg that seems to never fit into a round hole.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Re-Introduction

It has been awhile since we have written on this blog.

It has been re-purposed.

This will now be a place where we will be sharing our journey. Our journey to the call to missions and ministry. A call to work for God kingdom full-time.

We are currently "stationed" in Michigan with family while we wait for God to send us out into the field. It is the hope of our family for God to send us and give us a ministry home. Whether that is in a church, camp, or international setting we are unsure but we are ready for God's calling.

Our daughter, Riley Issabella, has been enjoying all the love and time with family. She is now 6 1/2 months old, crawling and pulling herself up and getting ready to walk! (This blog may also become a place where I chronicle Riley's life and accomplishments-prepare yourself!)

Thank you for tagging along on our journey. Thank you for your prayers and support.