Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beginings, reunions and returns

    Last week, I left camp early to come back home to Michigan to take part in my best friends wedding. It was so great to be home and see family and friends. I was able to spend a day at Center Lake Bible Camp visiting all our old friends and going back to a place that has meant so much to me. My friends wedding was fantastic. It was a great celebration of a Godly couple. Going home was still difficult. I had just gotten to a point of being comfortable with the new freinds we had made here, and then I was reunited with my old friends back home. This has made the transition back to Sambica and Seattle diffuclt. However, I do feel rejuvinated in spirit talking to so many people who are praying and supporting us in our mission here.

     This week at Sambica is one of our few Jr. high weeks. These weeks are very important as these young adults are starting to determine what kind of lives they will live. Last night we had campfire time with the campers and just opened it up to discussion. Lots of campers talked about how they solved problems in thier lives. It was a great experience not just for campers, but for the staff as well. They were able to see that even though the campers are kids, they still face very serious problems everyday. We hope to encourage and lift these campers up and let them know that God is able to help them with the problems they face. We had the campers look up and stare into the night sky. As the sun was setting into a blazing our sunset and the stars were coming out, they got a look at creation. they were able to see what God made. In this we told them that the creator of all things, created them and watches over them. A God who controls the stars in the skies also controls what happens in thier life. God is able to handle any problem in thier life.

     Please keep praying for young lives to come to Christ this summer. Great things are happening here, but as the summer continues staff become tired. It gets difficult to have the same energy as the first weeks. Pray for rest for our staff, patience, and the ability to keep on loving. Thanks for your continued support.

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